About us

Driven by Passion

Fuelled by your Success.

About impax

We believe in the effectiveness of web3 and in removing barriers to bring the world closer… However, upcoming ideas require next-generation talent. As a result, we facilitate innovative companies in finding the right people to elevate their organisation, whether it’s a start up or already established.

This is accomplished through the use of:

  • Retained, Contingent, In-house and Recruitment advisors.
  • Market insight reports
  • Industry-leading growth and hiring consultation
  • Extensive candidate networks
0 +
Years Experience

Our Story

In web3, 8 years is a lifetime.

Since the first bitcoin block was mined, there have been unprecedented technological advances. Defi has evolved to disrupt traditional finance and provide returns previously unavailable to regular retail investors.

Belief in the space

Impax have grown alongside Web3…

We were already aware of the direction and significance of web3. Our team adopted this industry very early. The process has ensured that we could combine top talent with the most significant companies in the world. This has been our way of helping the industry grow by contributing to the expansion of this market.

Integrated in the space

Our partnerships with the most important companies in the space have allowed a network of generational talent to come through. The talent available in the industry will bring the power of web 3 to every corner of the globe.

Being integrated in the space doesn’t just stop with partnerships, its internal. Our employees invest in crypto, as a company we accept cryptocurrency payments and we also offer free insight reports and data analysis to anyone in the industry.

Our integration and belief don’t stop there. We have a strong partnership with Cornerstone Capital who are one of the largest Cryptocurrency wealth management companies in the UK.

Team Behind Impax Recruitment

